Ethereal Guidance

Sound bath

Raise your frequency with the power of singing bowls and relaxing sound

Sound bath Long Beach, CA

The power of sound healing dates back

2,000 years to Tibet!

Sound Bath Healing
Sound bath's do not actually require a bathtub, soap, or nudity. One's body is bathed with the frequencies of sound with singing bowls and sound instruments. The mallets that graze or bang the singing bowls emit different vibrations that are tuned to the frequency of your chakras. The sounds and frequencies can lead one to a deep meditative state.

A recent study found that sound bath's may reduce stress and anxiety

Other benefits of sound bath frequencies include:

  • Better Sleep

  • Raising your body's energetic frequency

  • Mental clarity

  • Improves physical pain

  • Helps with sadness

Sound bath sessions in long beach

Leslie likes to combine the power of reiki and sound healing so that the energetic and physical body can both benefit and be restored to a homeostasis state. Schedule your one on one session, or schedule a private event with your friends or colleagues at our gorgeous studio in Long Beach, Ja Yoga.

Reserve your healing session...

What’s included
Reiki & sound bath

30 minutes of hands off reiki energy with aromatherapy, followed with 15 minutes of sound healing


Private Event

1 hour of sound bath healing with reiki for up to 25 people at Ja Yoga Long Beach

